I've been considering returning to college lately. I think I need to do something more active with my life. My mind always has to be focused on something and I've been going crazy without college this past year and a half.
Life has been busy, though. We've been working to get our school debt paid off, which it will be in the next month, so we can return. I can't wait. I'm looking into a Radiology & Ultrasound Technology major, which is something I've been interested in for quite a while. I think in the meantime, though, I'll sneak in a few psychology and writing classes--maybe a history class or two. I love all of those fields/focuses. We'll see.
Our computer is fixed. I can't remember what the problem was, but it's running in Safe Mode now, so it isn't having that issue, but we will have to purchase some new hardware to remedy the problem.
Halloween is coming up. Anna will be Elmo!
Anna will be two soon! We're having a Spongebob party! Goodness knows she loves that yellow sponge!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:38 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
23 Months & Comp Virus
Anna is 23 months old today! Only one more month until she turns two!
Right now our computer has a virus on it, so I'm not too sure how often I'll be able to be online, so bear with me.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Posted by
Milk Mama
2:40 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pumpkin Farm Photos
We had a great time at the farm yesterday. They had a lot of goodies. A little place where you can pet animals, a fun house thingy, a tour, etc.
Posted by
Milk Mama
2:10 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Update on Baby Sara
I was just reminded that I haven't updated on Baby Sara in a while. Well, Sara is doing well. Crawling, babbling, etc. and acting like she should--healthy!
However, Sara's mom, Jessica, was arrested. They raised the fifty thousand dollars bond so she could go home to her children. She has a court date set for Monday (if I remember right). Please keep them in prayer!!!
Posted by
Milk Mama
9:36 PM
Goin' Pumpkin Huntin'
We were going to go to the pumpkin farm today, but it turns out they're only open for business from Thursday til Sunday. We're actually going to the Roloff Farm, it's actually not too far from where Paul works. I don't know if you know what that is? It's the farm owned by the Roloffs from the show Little People Big World. I'm excited about that. They have a huge old west town, pumpkins, other goodies that Anna will love (and me!). So I will be sure to upload those ASAP and put them up after we go. It'll be so much fun. Last year was a blast. Anna was so little! She was wearing 12 month clothes then! Now she wears some 2T. It's really amazing how fast babies grow. Next year will she be wearing 4T? I guess we'll see.
Anyhow, here's a cute little graphic:
hehehe so cute!!!
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:00 AM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Happy Birthday ME
We're back and feeling better thank goodness! Anna was better days ago. As usual, she was sick days shorter than I was hahaha. Go figure. I think it's the boob. ;)
Anyhow, my 24th birthday is creeping up. In fact, it's tomorrow! Whew! I can't believe it. Paul works Sunday, though, so on Monday we're going to go to a pumpkin farm and spend time together as a family (my request). I can't wait. It'll be so much fun and you can bet there'll be tons of pictures up!!!
And one more thing, after looking through blogs, I wanted to remind everyone that October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
This graphic rocks:
Posted by
Milk Mama
9:49 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Flu =(
Flu, flu, go away. Come again some other day, although preferably never again.
Anna was sick from Saturday until yesterday, Monday. And now I'm sick. So sorry, if my blog has been a tad lonely this week. The good side is, that I just feel awful and haven't thrown up, just come close to it. Which is much better than actually throwing up. Poor Anna, though. It was so sad seeing her heave, then cry afterward. It was so sad. I'm so glad she's feeling better. I knew she was feeling better today because it didn't take long before she got into trouble lol. While she was sick, she wasn't naughty at all. She just slept all day and cried and vomited. But today she's been full of her usual curious and naughty energy. I'm glad she's doing better. :D
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:07 AM