*Post Edited to Remove Pictures of My Pumpkin*
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Win a Pair of Hot Jeans
For a moment I felt tempted to add an extra "T" to the end of the word "Hot" but then I remembered that I'm not fourteen.
Now on to the business of the day, 5 Minutes for Mom is offering a 200 dollar shopping spree to True Jeans.com! I'm really excited about this. I must admit that all of my jeans are either too small or too big! Grr! Maybe True Jeans is a True Fit... we'll see... WHEN I WIN! But truly, you have a chance to win, too!
Click here to enter to win that 200 dollar shopping spree!!!
Thanks 5 Minutes for Mom!
Posted by
Milk Mama
5:19 PM
Cloth Diaper Review
Nah, I'm not the type to do the review myself, as my daughter uses disposables, but I did come across an awesome cloth diaper review by ZRecommends. I really want to cloth diaper my next child and this review really sparked my interest. It's important to me to get the best value the first time! In the review, the ZRecommends reader, Lisa Lukis actually used and reviewed each of the most common cloth diaper brands. She rated them on a scale of 1-30 and gave the diaper so many points for each area. The first of the diapers she reviewed were the Blueberry cloth diapers, which received a score of 25 out of 30; The bumGenius diapers, which received a score of 29 out of 30 and were the winners of her review. Chinese prefolds, which received a score of 20.5 out of 30 and did not win, however they were the most cost-effective type of cloth diaper. The Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers received a score of 27.5 out of 30 points. Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers now comes in the one-size-fits-all adjustable version which really counts when it comes to my wallet. The hybrid-type disposable/cloth GDiapers were also reviewed and received a score of 25 out of 30. They are earth-friendly, yes, but the price can be quite a drawback, according to Lukis. The Happy Heinys Hugger Fitted diapers received a score of 24.5 out of 30. The Happy Heinys One Size Fitted diapers received a score of 26.5 out of 30. They're spendy to start out with at almost 19 dollars per diaper, but they might end up being a great price because they will stick with your baby from newborn to toddlerhood. Kissaluvs contour diapers were a great value at only 7 dollars per diaper, but were clumsy to use and only scored 23 out of 30. The Kissaluvs Fitted diapers received a score of 24.5 out of 30. The Swaddlebees diapers are perfect for a newborn, even making room for the umbilical cord stump, but only scored 24 out of 30 points. I've never heard of Thirsties diapers, but they scored 24.5 out of 30.
To read more, click here for the full story. Anybody who is interested in cloth diapering their children should read this article. It is insightful and might end up saving you a lot of money in the long run!
Posted by
Milk Mama
4:19 PM