You wouldn't believe what the lady upstairs gave us! She gave Anna this:
It is a Turtle Play Stove from 1969! It even was in the box! (This picture I stole from EBay, but it looks exactly like it!) How crazy is that? LOL! Anna likes it. She keeps trying to sit on it like a chair!
The box even has the price sticker on it. It was marked down from 9.99 to 7.99! I found this playstove... the exact same one, doesn't even have the box, for 129.99 Buy It Now Price on Ebay!
Monday, April 21, 2008
You Wouldn't Believe...
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:48 PM
CARE Package
Have you heard about CARE Package? CARE Package is a non-profit organization who helps families who lose their newborns. CARE Package began when the family who started this organization had two beautiful twin boys. However, one of the boys, Robby, died due to complications with Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
What do we do here at CARE Package, Inc.?
Our mission is to help CARE for all the other babies who, like Robby, don't survive. This includes neonatal loss as well as miscarriages and stillborn infants.
We hand-crochet and hand-knit items to deliver to hospitals, to be given to the parents as they prepare to say goodbye to their little one. Parents will be given several different sets of our items, including booties, sweaters, hats, and/or blankets, to choose from in order to find that unique outfit in which to dress their baby. (They may also choose not to put the items on the baby and can simply bring them home, if they like.)
Along with these sets, parents will also receive a small laminated card to glance over before they receive their child and while they are holding him or her. This will include suggestions for things they might want to do with their baby, such as take pictures, dress him/her, bathe him/her, bring in other siblings, etc. It is our firm belief that knowing we could have done these things, and doing them, would have made a drastic difference in this painful experience for us. We would like to spare other parents from realizing too late what they could have done, had they only known.
Finally, once CARE Package, Inc. becomes large enough, we would like to develop a fund to help parents with their memorial and funeral services. We were lucky enough to have insurance to cover our needs, but we know that not every family will be able to do everything they choose to do to remember their baby.
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:13 PM
Soon: New Blog Design
I won a Fun and Funky Blog Design from a recent contest held at her board! I'm so excited! There is another one going on right now, so go check that out! And keep an eye out for the new design! :D
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:00 PM
Have you been to the Carnival?
Bloggy Giveaways is hosting a giveaway carnival! How fun! There is a linky list of hundreds of bloggers who have giveaways going on right now! Just click HERE to go to that list!
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:36 PM
Photos of the Boys
The proud family at their babyshower!
Babies A. & A. less than 1 day old.
Babies A. and A. were born yesterday morning to my good friend V. Mom and dad are doing fine, just tired! I watermarked the cr*p out of the photos because they aren't my sons and I want the photos to be especially safe! Aren't they adorable!? Click Photo to Enlarge.
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:01 AM