Envyla is offering an adorable FuzzyMe Tutu! It's so adorable that I want to cry! So head on over to Envyla if you'd like a chance to win the cherubic tutu of your own design!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Win a FuzzyMe Tutu
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:41 PM
Review: Huggies Clean Team Products
I was contacted recently by M80 Parents Meta Blog to do a review of Huggies Clean Team Products. I received a box in the mail a few days ago and it contained http://www.huggiescleanteam.com/ moist flushable wipes, conditioning shampoo, and hand soap.
Anna was immediately enthralled with the hand soap. The hand soap has a cute purple hippo head on it that flashes with a red light for 20 seconds (the time needed for proper hand cleansing) when you push down on the pump. Anna loved this. Aside from the handy flasher (which I admit to using myself after going potty--hey, where else do you find a timer in the bathroom?), and the lovable purple Hippo named Henry, the scent is wonderful. It doesn't smell strong, but it is a light and sweet scent. As for the hand soap, did it deliver? Yes, it did. Did it do its job? Yes, it cleans hands for sure, and it goes beyond the regular soap expectations by adding a timer and a friendly character named Henry. Anything to add? You can also purchase a refill once you run out and hang onto the timer top! Of all of the products tested, this was my favorite and definitely one that I will purchase time and again!
The Huggies Clean Team Shampoo with its slithery mascot, Sammy, was next to be analyzed (ah, I sound so scientific!)... I used it first on my dear little darling Anna (later on the toddler I watch once a week). Bathtime is slippery business with a 16 month old who refuses to listen to the word, "Sit!" So on went the shampoo. Not that she has much hair, but I swear it's pretty long in the back! The bottle is not too large and its shape fit perfectly, even in my small hands! But trouble came when I couldn't get the darn cap to open--and SNAP--I actually broke the thing off! Eeek! Now, as for the shampoo, did it do its job? Yes, it did. Squeaky clean toddler hair all around. Was it easy to use? Easy to hold, not so easy to dispense. Maybe the cap was a little too hard to open and I don't know my own strength?(???) Anything to add? The yummy blueberry scent tempted me to use the shampoo, too!
Finally came the Flushable Moist Wipes with the cute pink flamingo named Freddy! Anna sits on the potty about once a week... sometimes she pees a little, sometimes she doesn't... nothing regular yet. The good news: with the flushable wipes I can just dump everything in the potty afterwards, which means no yucky wipes in the bin to smell! Yay! I also used the flushable wipes on my potty trained toddler friend whom I watch. With the #2 It took a few swipes more than I usually do, but with the convenience of a much cleaner bottom than with toilet paper and the added bonus of not needing to take poopy wipes out, I was very pleased. Did the wipes do their job? Yes, they did. Were they easy to use? Yes. I was very happy to see that when I reach for ONE wipe, I get just ONE wipe! There are rubber gripper thingies (erm, do they have a name?) that keep you from dispensing more than one! Why aren't these on other wipe containers? They're fantastic! Anything else to add? The Blue Melon Splash scent is such a nice change from other strange wipe smells!
Overall, I was very pleased with all of the products I tested. They all performed very well. They had nice scents (very important for me as it turns out), and extras which made use so much easier!
Huggies Clean Team Products also include the Disposable Washcloths, Bath Wash, Cleansing Cloths, and Detangler.
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:22 AM
Quick! Baby Legs Giveaway!!!
JP & the Boys is giving away baby legs! Oh I love baby legs! They're so cute! But the deadline is tonight! So hop to it!
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:08 AM
Moms to Multiples?
Are you a mom to multiples (twins on up?) Go to this blog. Here, Rachael, who is a mom to triplets, has listed freebies and discounts that are given to moms to multiples. First she lists the specific deal and then at the bottom are the addresses to write to. I was glad to find this! A friend of mine is expecting identical twin boys any day now! She is dilated to 2 1/2 CM and is 70% effaced. She is almost 35 weeks. She is ready to go! :D
Multiples Freebies & Discounts Blog
Photo thanks to http://www.babyminestore.com
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:26 AM