Mommy Rant is having a giveaway of a HUGE basket of Munchkin products! Don't you love Munchkin? You probably do but just don't know it! My daughter loves her sticky foam letters and super scooper in the bath!
Anyhow, head over to Mommy Rant to sign up!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Munchin Giveaway @ Mommy Rant
Posted by
Milk Mama
11:50 PM
Guess Who's The Happy Panda Fabulous Baby Winner?
Just watch!!!!!!! Thanks Happy Panda Blog!
Posted by
Milk Mama
8:57 PM
Sparkle & Charm Boutique
Overwhelmed with Joy is starting a new boutique business called Sparkle and Charm Boutique. Overwhelmed has created many gorgeous bows, clips, and bow holders...and they can even match your adorable outfits! What fun! To help spread the word about Sparkle and Charm, Overwhelmed has a contest! If you write about her boutique and spread the word, then you can be entered into a contest to win a 10 dollar gift certificate to her boutique! That can buy a whole lot of adorable bows!!! I love all of her bows, but this one happens to be my favorite, the beautiful pink butterfly clips:
The website is not up yet, but you can still order! Just CLICK HERE to see all of Sparkle and Charm's adorable bow and clip designs!
Posted by
Milk Mama
7:37 PM
Blog Party MommyFest
I just became aware of MommyFest, which is a blog party. I'd love to join. Sorry I've been so out of blogging this week. I'm a little behind on a few things I've been wanting to write about. I've been not only fighting off a bug of some sort, but also just completely stressed out left and right with financial worry. I don't want to get into that.... Let's just say I haven't been feeling up to it lately. Maybe this will kick my butt back into the mood? :)
Well, first of all, nice to meet all of the ladies who visit my site! My name is Sarah. I'm a 24 year old mother to my daughter, Anna who is about 18 months old. I've been married for 4 years (four years next month!) to my hubby Paul. Nice to meet you all!
To say a little something about myself, I am a Christian. I love reading, writing, 'rithmatic.... just kidding. Nah, I do like math. But besides that, my daughter is the center of my world. I love her like nothing else. I just love her so much! I am totally blessed by the God of Heaven who has given me such a wonderful little blessing such as my daughter! Thank you Jesus!
What else??? Hmmm Oh I really like the show Bones, if that helps. I love to read Jane Austen. I love her writing style, but honestly I haven't read anything since before my daughter was born. When I read a book, I read nonstop until it's done. I just don't have time for that any more lol! I love photography! Oh I love taking photos of my daughter... just one thing, I could really use a great digital camera. I use the photo feature on my JVC camcorder, so it takes pretty poor photographs, being a video cam and all. Great video pictures, though! Another thing is that I would love to adopt some day. I think God gave me the heart of a mother for some specific reason. I've always wanted to be a mother. I've always loved children. And since Anna was born, I mother her like there's no tomorrow. I've always wondered what God wants me to do on this earth and I'm beginning to believe he wants me to be a mom. That's it, but that's not a simple or a lowly thing. That's a huge responsibility and privilege. I can't wait to have more children. We can't financially right now, but some day soon!!!
Anyhow, thank you for visiting my blog, everyone... party guests and otherwise. Thank you! And may God bless your day! Oh a photo, you say? You'd like a photo? Well, here you go:
One photo is of my husband and my daughter. The other is of me and my daughter. Photos taken this weekend at a family member's wedding. :) That's the first dress I've bought and worn since my wedding four years ago! I'd love to wear more dresses. I feel so feminine in them!
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:48 PM
Anna's Appointment
Today Anna had an appointment (not the big 18 month appt.... that's on the 20th), but she was 32 1/8 inches tall! She was also 25 pounds and 4 ounces. Her head circumference was 18 7/8 inches. She has slowed down quite a bit in her growth, but is still quite tall. I didn't expect for her to be over 32 inches already!
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:32 PM