Now I know why people invest their hearts into this ministry. Remember my first post about RR? I posted about Lera... and she was adopted! And then my second post was about Aloyna and guess what? She has a family now! They are calling her Aly and you can find her adoptive family's blog (Thanks Renee for the link!) HERE!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Photos: Oldies but Goodies
These were taken when Anna was 11 months old. Let me tell you, it's hard to believe that she's already 3 and we're staring down the barrel of 4! I should probably chat about what's been happening around here. Next week Paul and I start classes. We were wanting to put Anna in Little Tumblers this spring, but surprise, surprise we wont' be able to pay for it on time and she won't be able to participate. :( However, I did find out that Pee-Wee soccer begins in March and we'll have the 54 dollars in time for that. So, not all is lost. I just wanted her to get into Little Tumblers and be a little daredevil in a safely padded arena. ;)
Posted by
Milk Mama
7:00 PM
Angels: Corinna and Katie & a Little Rant

This week's Angel of the Week is this precious little one, Katie! She has such a gorgeous smile, doesn't she? How she will thrive when she gets home with her forever family! Could you be her family?

Corinna is a beautiful little girl who has spent the last 2 years of her life in a mental institution. She has SO much potential, and is close to walking, but spends much of her days lying in bed for lack of anything else to do. She was sent to this facility from another baby house we work in now, so it is imperative that she be saved!
The thought of this little girl escaping death and then not being adopted? It's just unthinkable! I pray to God that someone steps forward and becomes her mommy or daddy! Please, Father God.
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:52 PM
Angel: Berkeley
What a stunning, happy little girl! Berkeley has long blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was born with clubbed feet, but is able to walk holding on to a fence or hands or the wall. She is very determined and tries to do everything on her own. Surgery and therapy could change this little girl's life!
I love this little girl's smile and big blue eyes. It just tears my heart out at the thought of her being transferred to an institution just because she can't walk! I pray someone adopts her soon!
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:49 PM