I wanted to share this great deal where you can get two pairs of earrings for $5 shipped!!
Register on line at Dickielee.com (elegant fashion jewelry) for a $10 gift certificate use code "NewCustomer" then apply for a promotional crystal earring at the same time. They will waive S/H. Reg. $14.95 ea. (75% discount) You can't use the free $10 off on the FREE pair of earrings--but they have just about the same pair in their regular Earrings section for $14.95--so here's the breakdown:
1 Pair of earrings for $14.95 (or up.. they have some pretty dangly stuff)
1 Free pair of Swarvovski Crystral earrings
- Free shipping
- Minus $10 promo code
Equals $4.95 for TWO pairs of nice earrings!
I didn't do this part, but someone else posted that you can actually get 3 pairs of earrings for $4.95. If you click on special promotions, there are earrings that are free with purchase of two other pairs of earrings. Apparently the free earrings count as a purchase because I was able to put the additional free pair in my cart and the total for all three came to $4.95.
After you click special promotions, click buy 2 get 1 free.
Anyways, this is totally legit and they want you to spread the news of their promotions. So if you do this, please put in the comment section that I referred you.
My email is sarahmarie [dot] pemberton [at] gmail.com
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2 Pairs of Earrings for $5 Shipped!
Posted by
Milk Mama
10:34 PM
Christmas Break... So Much On My Mind
I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I don't mean to abandon this site. We will be moving at the end of this month and returning to college, we've celebrated birthdays and holidays, things are so incredibly busy! And my sister is currently engaged to be engaged right now! Moller is a nice young man from the UK and I"m so happy for her. They've been talking about marriage and children. It's so exciting! Also, my mom has been suffering from health problems. She should be getting out of the hospital today. A few days ago, she was hospitalized because she began to go into kidney failure. It was scary. She has asked me to go through her final will & decree, especially where it comes to life support and tube-feeding. I'm glad she chose me. I think I'm honestly the most... how do I put this? Stable? I can handle that kind of stress a lot better than my sisters. After my brother died, both of my sisters dropped into a deep depression, but I never did. I was able to handle it quite well and so I'm glad she chose me.
But as you can see, things have been a tad hectic. I will try to update as much as possible.
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:20 PM