Thanks, Sarah
Monday, May 19, 2008
Help Me Decide!
Thanks, Sarah
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:58 PM
18 Months Old Today
Today marks two very special occasions. One I knew immediately, that my daughter is eighteen months old today, and the other I didn't think too much of it until another lady celebrated her anniversary... today marks eighteen months of breastfeeding. One and a half years. It's hard to believe it. I've been very blessed that my breastfeeding experience has been blessedly uneventful. Breastfeeding has been relatively painless... I think. I seem to have a high pain tolerance. And I've never had to deal with Mastitis (thank God!)... my sister had it with two of her four children and it led to her weaning her youngest at around 8 months. That would've been heartbreaking for me. I cherish this experience. It's a blessing! I've only had plugged breast ducts on three or four occasions. If I'm right that can lead to Mastitis, but I've always been able to catch it immediately and relieve the clog very quickly. Anyhow... here is a photo taken yesterday of my daughter on the eve of her 1 and a half year birthday.
PS: Do you know how difficult it is to get an eighteen month old (or a toddler of any age, for that matter) to sit still enough for a photo to turn out clearly? Plus I use the digital feature on my camera and IT STINKS!!! Here's to praying for a better camera. Maybe I'll win one? LOL. That would be nice! ;)
PPS: Sorry you all have to read my complaints about the camera so much. It takes great footage, but the photography sucks. *sigh*
Posted by
Milk Mama
2:19 AM
Breastfeeding Fact O' The Week
Tandem Breastfeeding
Do you need to wean in order to become pregnant again? No, you do not. Although I am sure there is a small percentage of women who must in order to become pregnant, but it is far from impossible.
Some women might worry that if they breastfeed a toddler then there won't be enough milk for the new infant. This is not true. In fact, our breasts are amazing things. They will create enough milk for two children at any volume. Tandem breastfeeding often helps to meet the needs of two children. The older child will not be left out and will get that one-on-one special nursing time with mom, too. You'd be surprised at how often this is practiced all over the world.
For more information, click here or here.
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:03 AM