dkMommy Spot is having a giveaway! Enter to win a $25 dollar gift certificate to the adorable online toy store, KangarooBoo! They have the cutest toys at KangarooBoo! Good luck!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
KangarooBoo Giveaway by DK Mommy Spot
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:58 PM
Hip Mama's Place Mother's Day Giveaway
Hip Mama's Place is having a huge giveaway event in honor of Mother's Day! How fun!!! Just CLICK HERE to participate and maybe... just maybe... you might get a little more spoiled this Mother's Day than you expected! Good luck!
If you're visiting, be sure to sign up for my contest! Just click on this button to see my post!
Posted by
Milk Mama
6:44 PM
Win an Ergo Baby Carrier
Oh you know you want one... well so do I! That's why I'm putting this on my blog and letting you all know about it! I hope you all join the fun. Ergo makes the best carriers... seriously! Click Here to enter to win your own!
Posted by
Milk Mama
2:16 PM
First Giveaway Coming Up!
I'm so excited to announce that my first giveaway is coming up! It will be on Monday May 5th! Be sure to come back here and check it out! (I'm keeping it a secret as to what it is... you'll have to come back to find out what it is!)
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:52 PM
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month! Olay has teamed up with Dermatologists all over the country to offer free skin cancer screenings!
This is a very important issue in my family. My mom is fighting Melanoma on her face. She was just cleared by her doctor. She only has to wait a year for her next appointment. She had to have a big piece of Melanoma cancer on her face cut away. She nearly lost her right eye from it. She now has a big scar on her face and is missing part of her eyebrow. But she is alive! Thank you Jesus!
To have a free screening (even if you don't think you're at risk!) please Visit The Olay Website By Clicking Here to find the Dermatologist who is participating near you.
• One in 33 people will be diagnosed with
skin cancer in their lifetime.
• By the time an individual is 20 years old,
they have already exposed themselves to
80% of the sun damage they will have
during their lifetime.
• Young women between the ages of 20-29
are the fastest growing group of newly
diagnosed melanoma cancer patients.
• Sun damage makes an individual's skin
dry resulting in premature aging.
• One American dies of melanoma almost
every hour.
• 5 or more sunburns double your risk of
developing skin cancer.
• Skin cancer is visible and easy to detect.
• Skin cancer is PREVENTABLE if you protect
yourself from the sun.
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:16 PM
Thanks Chesapeake Ribbons!
I've won a set of their beautiful ribbons & bows and on top of that, I participated in the virtual baby shower that they threw and I won a set of Blessed Mom Baby Gear products! Thank you Chesapeake Ribbons (Gunning It)! Please feel free to stop by Chesapeake Ribbons. This blogger makes some of the most adorable handmade ribbons ever!
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:13 PM
Baby Wearing Contest
Thank you once again to Sarah at Sassyfrazz who tipped me off to another fun Mother's Day game. There are so many Mom's Day events going on in the "blogosphere" that it's just keeping my blog hoppin'!
Baby Sling Blog is sponsoring a great game to share your baby wearing photos for a chance to win a cute pair of Baby Legs. So here is my baby wearing photo. I didn't get to use my sling much longer after this photo because I have a Miss Chubbs for a baby... which wouldn't be much of an issue if I wasn't just barely over 5 feet 1 inches! LOL!
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:08 AM