Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Since I really don't have too much to say, maybe this will end up being a photo blog lol. XD Well... what can I say? Besdies the fact that it's four in the morning and I can't sleep. I tore a muscle, dislocated a rib, or broke a rib, so it's very hard to find a comfortable position. Anyhow, Anna is getting so tall! It's kind of crazy. She was as tall as a 3 year old that we met at a birthday party this weekend. We're officially outing the 2T clothing. Thankfully 3T/4T summer clothing is quite cheap. So we bought a ton of short outfits on sale at Target. 2.80 a per piece! What a deal. What a blessing! And Target's clothing is always so cute! She's always talking and says the most hilarious things... such as, when Paul is flirting with me Anna will say, "Daddy, what are you doing to mommy?" hahaha She's quite the chatter, risk-taker, and monkey. And such a girly girl, too! Enjoy the photos. Some are of Anna playing with a bubble blower wand we bought for her and others are of Anna at a birthday party this weekend.
Posted by
Milk Mama
3:58 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Photos
We had a great time with family this weekend. I think Anna has enjoyed it. She's basically been living on candy ever since. *sigh* I can't get her to eat anything else. At last, the candy had to be tossed in the trash! No more candy. No more gummies. It's getting way out of hand. Sweet-tooth baby girl... just like her mommy!
Posted by
Milk Mama
10:37 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Where Boyhood Meets Manhood
by Sarah Pemberton
This is where the river meets the sunset.
The stream bends and twists,
falling over rapids and rocks,
tumbling over stones and debris.
This is where tall yellow weeds stretch toward a mango sky,
blanched by a hot summer sun.
This is where a boy stomps in the shallow end,
where brownish still waters soak his shorts
and weigh down his tee shirt,
where tawny skin is kissed by freckles,
and autumn eyes are rimmed with July,
and brushed with August.
This is where his father stands.
Hands on hips, lips at half mast.
Where boyhood meets manhood,
and everything between is whipped in meringue
and forgotten like a peeling sunburn.
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:06 AM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
You OK?
I have a zit on my cheek. Anna just leaned over my shoulder, put her finger to it and said, "What's that?" I said, "It's a zit." She said, "You OK?" "Yeah, I'm OK." Then she kissed it. ♥
Posted by
Milk Mama
8:47 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
Paul's B-Day
Today my hubby is 25!!! A quarter of a century.. I'd tease him about that one, but I'm turning 25 in October! I cant' believe how fast the years have gone by. We met when we were sixteen and seventeen! Lots has changed since then!!!
Posted by
Milk Mama
3:28 PM