Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's been a long couple of weeks. My mom had surgery on her adrenal gland yesterday... they actually removed it because she had a tumor on it. She'll be in the hospital for maybe another day. I just can't wait to go home and have things be back to normal until school starts.
Meanwhile... there's been a heatwave here in the northwest! It's kind of crazy. It almost never gets above 100, but lately every day has been over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I can't wait for it to cool down, for us to be home, and be able to relax for the rest of our summer--there isn't much of it! *sigh*
Posted by
Milk Mama
10:12 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
I finally talked to a counselor at the school and I've decided to finish out my education degree. I've got only 36 more credits until graduation! That will mean around 3 semesters to go. I will finish with an education major, but when I get my MA (teachers must get an MA anyway) I will get an Educational Psych MA which will allow me to work as a school counselor, something I've thought about off and on since I've had Anna but thought it would take much more schooling. I think this is a great plan and I'm feeling much more confident about all of this. My classes begin in August and I'll be holding down a full load again--for the first time since Anna was an itty bitty infant and just slept all of the time!
I don't know if I mentioned Paul's migraines on here, but he did have an MRI at last and everything is normal. So, that means that he'll have to see a regular doctor to get the rest of the tests... a friend of ours had issues with vitamin deficiencies that caused migraines, etc. So hopefully it's easily remedied. I hate seeing him in pain so much and when he is having a bad day (which happens more often than not) it turns him into a horrendous GRUMP. :-/ So hopefully that goes well!
Posted by
Milk Mama
7:44 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
What Happens When You Leave a 2 Year Old Alone With Fish Food
Posted by
Milk Mama
2:07 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Two nights ago we went to the ER. Paul gets terrible migraines and this was the first time he had seen a doctor about them. He's going to get an MRI Monday evening. And it looks like his employer hired him with no intention on keeping him beyond a week. So... it's been a good week. :/ *sigh* But here is a cute pic or two of Anna from this week. (We are borrowing a car right now. Our car is now officially dead.) grrr
Posted by
Milk Mama
10:07 PM
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
A Pretty Bow
I made this bow for Anna to wear tomorrow. I cannibalized a broken headband and added the red and white ribbon and the little fan of flag ribbon, then put it on a clip. Happy 4th of July! I'll post photos of tomorrow soon! :)
Posted by
Milk Mama
12:27 AM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"I'll be right back."
The other day Paul went for a jog on the field which is on the other side of that fence you see in the photos. Anna put on her plastic dress up shoes and told me, "I'll be right back, Mama. I'll be right back. Go find Daddy. I'll be right back." You gotta love that determination and spunk. She kept reassuring me that she'd be right back. She would go on the other side of that fence, through THE BRIERS and get to Daddy! I told her no, then I went inside and checked on her not one minute later. She was already on the other side of the fence and several feet along the back. She had even crossed a thorny little sucker which scratched up her legs. I had to rescue her from the briers. She really wanted her Daddy! She didn't even notice the scratches.
Then today, we went on a long walk to mail a letter. She ended up falling and scratching up her knee so badly that she was bleeding all over. She was bewildered and didn't even cry once. (Thank goodness!) She kept looking at the blood that got on her hands and she said one thing and one thing only. "It hurting." We got her all patched up and she was fine. She walked stiff-legged so I had to carry her from the mailing office back home. That's quite a ways if you know this campus! Especially with a 30 pound toddler on your hip! In the heat!
It didn't start hurting until later. Then I gave her some Tylenol and she was fine. Later tonight she was playing with her lemonade--spilling it and splashing it of all things!--and got it on her knee. She kept asking for a doctor lol. So I gave her doctor gummies (Operation Game-themed gummies) and several Popsicles to ease the pain (Thank goodness for Otter Pops! So cheap! And so many!!!) She seemed fine, but then the pain quickly came back and she was begging on her knees (literally!!!), "Doctor! Pwease!!! Pwease!!!" lol Poor thing. :(
Posted by
Milk Mama
1:23 AM